Karen Nothe-Valley won enough votes to return as the representative from Congressional District 1 (CD-1) to the board of the statewide organization called Indivisible Mass Coalition (IMC). Congratulations Karen!!! All of us dedicated to moving forward on a progressive agenda in Massachusetts are so grateful to you for being willing to serve on the IMC Board. Her candidate statement reads:
“I’m a determined and passionate activist who works on political actions for progressive candidates and progressive policy, protecting civil rights and democracy, organizing and energizing others. I am focused on helping progressives from all demographics gain seats at all tables in government where important policy decisions are made so that we may advance our shared values including strengthening voter accessibility and improving transparency in the statehouse.
“I am a member of the Grassroots Central Mass (GCM) leadership team, chair for my hometown Democratic Town Committee (Monson) and a board member for Indivisible Mass Coalition (IMC) representing CD-1. As a member of GCM, we work collaboratively to help drive better policy at all levels of government. As a DTC chair, I inspire members to recruit great candidates for local office or step up and run themselves, help others run, pay attention to municipal government activities in town, become poll workers, or serve in appointed positions. As an IMC board member, I help connect local Indivisible groups with resources and support what they need from the statewide organization. I serve on GCM’s Racial and Social Justice Subcommittee where we work on projects serving marginalized communities.”
Thank you, Karen!