Ongoing Initiatives

We remain involved in writing letters and postcards in support of candidates on all levels of government and in support of legislation that moves our nation, state, and local communities toward greater economic, climate, racial, and social justice.

We remain deeply concerned about climate change and environmental degradation and this has prompted us to remain active in planning events focused on the environment, planting trees, following climate-related legislation, and working to encourage big banks to divest from funding fossil fuel projects.

We also are partnering with others to encourage regional police departments to hire mental health workers to assist them in their work, especially when mental health concerns or addiction struggles are central.

We continue advocating for the rights of immigrants and will begin work again on getting the Safe Communities bill passed in Massachusetts. Uplifting initiatives that  increase diversity in our schools, uphold the rights of our BIPOC and LGBTQ+ neighbors is also a priority. Finding ways to bring full equality for all is our guiding light.