Join us Thursday, May 25, 6:30 p.m., at the Merriam-Gilbert Public Library in West Brookfield to learn the history of the Massachusetts flag and seal, and the effort to create a new flag and seal to represent peace, justice, equality, and inclusion for the Commonwealth. A resolution on the June Annual Town Meeting warrants in West Brookfield, Brookfield and Oakham will ask voters if they are in support of changing the flag and seal of Massachusetts. More than 20 percent of the towns and cities in Massachusetts are already formally on record in support of changing the flag and seal. Now it’s our turn to show our support.
For over 40 years, Indigenous leaders have been calling for the flag and seal of Massachusetts to be changed. To many, the imagery of a white hand holding a sword over the head of an Indigenous person, and the Latin motto, “By the Sword She Seeks Peace, but Peace with Liberty,” speaks of a history of violent colonization and conquest.
On January 6th, 2021, the Massachusetts Legislature established a Special Commission on the Official Seal and Motto of the Commonwealth, and invited Native leaders from the Wampanoag, Nipmuc, and Massachusett nations to sit with state legislators, historians, and others to recommend changes to the state symbol. In 2022, the statewide special commission recommended a total revision of the Massachusetts flag and seal. Our vote will support the commission’s continued work.