We hosted Earth Day celebrations since 2020. Our first celebration occurred online and involved visual artists, musicians, writers, costumed interpreters, and lots of enthusiastic tree planters.

Starting in 2021 we went into the great outdoors to host our Trees Are Treasures events. These family-friendly events feature trail walks with costumed interpreters along the way explaining fascinating aspects of the habitat. The event also involves gifting 100 trees to participants, an environmental book giveaway, and free and fun activities for all ages. The first celebration was held at Patrill Hollow in Hardwick, a preserve managed by the East Quabbin Land Trust and participants met Rusty Crayfish and the Lady of the Vernal Pool. In 2022 the Trees Are Treasures event was held at Wells State Park in Sturbridge, and guests were met by the Lady of the Wetlands and a reformed lumberjack.

Our 2023 Trees Are Treasures was a tree-mendous success with music, stories, crafts, activities, interpretive nature trails, and a tree giveaway! View more pictures here.